You are currently browsing the daily archive for February 3, 2010.

I learned from my son who is doing a research project on the Golden Gate Bridge that over 2000 lawsuits were filed to prevent it, mostly from property owners concerned about declining property values.  Obviously they lost, but then the bond issue passed just as the Depression broke out and few people were willing to buy them.  A.P. Gianini, founder of Bank of America, bought them all up on the promise that the bridge would survive the tides and storms.  What if the proposal had been stymied?  Would the bridge be as ugly as most of those built in later years?

But maybe we would have been better off for other reasons?  This was before environmentalism was a fashion, and well before any real laws were passed.  Of course it worked out here, but there are plenty of other examples of unbridled “progress” which took place at the time and which we are still paying for.

As TPM reports, a plan is in formulation.  It all falls on the parlimentary skills of Democrats. 

And if the Democrats get a taste of reconciliation, will the public option be put back onto the table?

Addendum:  Ed Shultz covering a free clinic calls Lieberman a coward and says, “”I am embarrassed to be sitting here with an $1800 dollar suit, a $150 tie…”

He makes some great points, but really aside from being embarrassed that he shelled out 150 bucks for a tie, he should be embarrassed that he paid that much for that particular tie.


February 2010