You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2019.

There will be a KHSU Community Advisory Group meeting tomorrow, January 30 at 6:30 PM in HSU’s Karshner Lounge. The meeting is open to the public.

This will be the first public meeting in several months.   There will be no parking passes available, so please plan ahead and find a metered parking space or park over on G Street and walk across the bridge.

It’s probably a lone asshole, maybe even from off campus – and probably not a danger.  But what would it have taken to send an email?

Lumberjack reports.

I’m really feeling sorry for Sarah Sanders!

Update:  Oh, he delivered one.  And it’s a doozy!

Pretty much hung Senator Graham out to dry.  How long are Republicans going to put up with the crap?

Meanwhile, both of the dueling Senate bills were defeated, as expected.  But six Senate Republicans have defected.

Some are calling for it.  But it’s weeks overdue.

There was a time when the head of the AFL-CIO would have been screaming about it all over the headlines of all the nation’s papers.

Does anybody even know the name of the AFL-CIO head these days?

Chuck Rogers and I will say goodbye to the slogan “no collusion,” as we discuss the government shut down, the imagined border crisis, the Watergate sequel in Senate confirmation, the right wing obsession with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Hamberders.  Tonight on All Things Reconsidered on KMUD at 7:00.



No more no collusion.


That’s her plan.

I’ve been thinking about various progressive causes to push in Humboldt County in light of the growing progressive majority of voters. You’ve probably read or heard the news that PG&E is declaring bankruptcy to elude damage claims from victims of their alleged negligence causing fires. Remember the “rolling blackouts” of a decade and a half ago? The blackouts didn’t happen in the areas governed by MUD’s, and they actually had surpluses of power which they sold to the three major private companies. The Sacramento MUD in particular performed well, even after giving up their nuclear power plant (granted, being next to the Sacramento River gives you hydro options other communities don’t have).

Maybe it’s time we considered replacing local PG&E with a county-wide MUD (I did read up and it appears that the term “municipal” does not limit such a project to the cities).

I intend to contact this organization about the possibility. Unfortunately, PG&E throws a lot of money into these fights – even liberal San Francisco has turned down the opportunity in three ballot measure attempts. But that was years ago. Maybe times have changed.




January 2019