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Cousin MarkReally going to miss him and his show.  I’ll have some  more to say later.

The photo is courtesy of KMUD.

Also from KMUD:

Our funked up Cuz’n Marc Patterson passed away on Sunday, July 27, 2014. He had been a DJ at KMUD since the late eighties, he was a great volunteer, and served two terms on our board of directors, and was president. He organized several fundraising concerts for the radio station, and was always an advocate and a promoter for KMUD. This picture by Felix Omai is from the famous KMUD Halloween Boogie a few years ago.


Liz, Ed, and myself on election eve, with Terri’s head in the foreground and Cinnamon just out of the photo on the right.   It was a lot of fun.  I was only there for the first hour, but I listened to the coverage all night with Charley, Dennis, Jimmy and others.  Great job KMUD!  Terri, Simon, and others did a lot of work to put it all together.

Supervisor Clif Clendenen will join me to discuss the latest developments in the General Plan Update.  Call-in format as usual.  7:00 p.m.

Heidi Walters has a post at the NCJ Blogthing.  I don’t have any more information than that, but it does appear that KMUD needs some help.

My suggesting?  Save the hand-wringing for another time.  Give the station some help right now.

More as I get it.

Addendum:  Guess I should check my email every once in a while.

KMUD Needs Help

Redwood Community Radio, parent of KMUD and its affiliates, faces a major financial challenge.  The ambitious signal upgrade project begun earlier this year is well advanced.  Paying for it lags behind.  KMUE (Eureka and Arcata) already has a stronger, clearer signal than it ever did.  Within months, KMUD and Shelter Cove will have new equipment to improve their signals and to help assure reliability into the future.  KLAI’s (Laytonville’s) facilities were improved a few years ago.

All this costs money. KMUD is asking its community for help. Some $100,000 of help. Despite federal matching funds for the upgrade, the station today has not come up with all of its share of the cost because of unforeseen cost overruns. In retrospect, it looks like the board erred in moving the upgrade forward without full funding assured, but a looming deadline forced a decision by a certain date.  This was the last chance to get a matching grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, or any other federal funding, for a project of this type.  Bad weather in March and other things resulted in serious delays and overruns.

There is no place to turn but our communities of members and listeners.  Next week’s payday (Aug. 7) will barely be met.  The next one is not assured, to say nothing of meeting all other expenses.  Financial details are available at the station. 

A major fundraising campaign is now getting started.  There will be announcements on-air, tabling around town and up north, special events.  Aug. 15 will be a one-day appeal for funds on the radio.  The board and station staff are looking hard at the budget and station resources.  Other actions are under consideration.  There is no thought at present of layoffs or shutdowns. 

Our 25-year-old radio station is precious to us.  The daily news.  The community conversation of talk shows.  The wild variety of music, both weird and wonderful.  The friend who is always there for us needs the community’s  support, its money.  Today.  Please pay your old pledges if you have not done so yet.  Please respond generously to the appeals you will hear and see.  Now, as never before, KMUD needs the people to power it through the upgrade and into a bright future.

To discuss the emails between Rob Arkley and certain BOS members.  7:00 p.m. this evening on KMUD (91.1 in the southland, 88.3 up north).

Hank has posted a new batch of emails between Rob and Mark Lovelace.  As Hank describes, it reads very much like a blog flame war, and in fact he sounds very much like a few of the anonymous posters here – complete with demands for Mark to waste his time to “prove” items of minutiae.  Mark did make an overture at one point, which Rob received well.

Hopefully, by tonight, Hank will have posted the remainder of the County’s production in response to Hank’s public records request.

Another guest piece from Bruce Brady.

Finally, at a few minutes before midnight, we were ready to get on the road.  Idling along the side road by Kevin’s place in Laytonville, the bus – an old Gillig once owned by the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Garberville, but now passing to Kevin – had been gutted except for the seat right by the front door; that was where I spent most of my time on the way to New Orleans, Golden Meadow, actually.  Kevin, who’d organized the trip, had staked-out a cot he’d rigged right behind that would always be ready when the driver needed sleep; Coco had a space right across what used to be the aisle, right in front of the load; Ray had made a cozy place on top of the two-by-fours and the boxes of nails and the pier-blocks, alongside the windows in back; Dave was the first driver, who’d get us to LA.

Near midnight as it was, the time seemed somehow ceremonial.  The five of us out there in the dust beside the road spoke our awkward goodbyes to the three or four wives and girlfriends there to see us off.  All of them, I think, were there either with Kevin or with Ray.  One of the women was burning sage, a blessing.  We joined hands and asked that our journey be favored.  We all made eye-contact.  Those of us going to Golden Meadow climbed into the bus and got as comfortable as we could, and the bus finally pulled out onto the road, shifting heavily.  Our contribution to relief following Katrina, we were on our way to build a radio station.

Exactly forty-five years before, conceivably even to the hour, Jim and Bob munched their hamburgers and slurped their shakes and tried to keep the fries off the floor of my dad’s ’57 Plymouth as we drove around more-or-less aimlessly on a hot summer night in the Sacramento suburbs.  Brother Bill was on KXOA and boundful rebellion saturated the air like adolescent musk.  With no forethought whatsoever, so far as I can recall, we soon pulled into KXOA’s gravel lot.  I knew right where it was because it was close by and I passed it whenever I’d drive my mother to work; she was the head telephone operator at the El Dorado Hotel, at the end of the access road past the station.  It seemed sort of mysterious, and it seemed somehow very cool out there beside the freeway.  Its tower loomed impressively high, right behind the low slung, cinder block building.  It was spooky, I remember, the way its red light blinked so slowly and so silently, way, way up there at the top and yet so close, somehow.

Read the rest of this entry »

I hadn’t heard the news, but I just read it over at Tom Seabourn’s blog.  Her name is Sarah Reid and she used to run the production department at Bicoastal Media.

Welcome Sarah and good luck!

I’ll be asking for callers to describe their relationships with the religion, what they believe it represents, and tie the discussion into the season as to the meaning of Christmas.  I expect to get plenty of the obligatory “Christmas is a ripoff of paganism, yada, yada, yada…” but I intend to carry the discussion beyond the usual ranting.  It’ll be my third show on the topic, and this one will focus on the substance and symbolism of Christmas itself.

Special invitation to those who are currently Christian.  I’d like to integrate a little balance into this, so I would really appreciate a call or two from Christians.  Don’t mind some of the anticipated wounded callers, I will assure civility and I won’t allow critical examination to degrade into bigotry.  In the past I have hung up on callers who have pushed the issue.

And as a side thread, I’ll ask each caller if he or she has a favorite Christmas carol and why it is your favorite.

Yeah, I know.  “Bah humbug!”  Try not to be too much of an Angry McAngrypants.

Starting at 8:00.  All of the local punditry, including myself, will be on at various points blabbering away just like they do on CNN.  It will be simulcast with Humboldt Access, which I guess means I should comb my hair.  Terry’s putting together quite a show to kick off the fund drive.


May 2024