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A very disturbing incident was videotapes at Zane Middle School on Friday.  Lots of anger directed at the administration, much of it unfair in my opinion.  A video was posted to social media, but I wasn’t going to post even a link because these are kids.  Fortunately KIEM blurred out the faces.

However, the girl who runs in to break up the fight, along with a boy, is my daughter.  She said she heard an adult yelling across the courtyard, turned and saw the fight; didn’t think the adult could make it there in time so she ran to break it up – followed very closely by a friend.  They managed to calm it down before the adults arrived.

Watch it here.

This is embarrassing to horrifying.

And so President Obama remains the only President to not have a special prosecutor appointed since the concept was implemented during Carter’s term. Trump may have set a record for the shortest amount of time passed before such an appointment – though I haven’t checked that.

Prior to that, of course we know about Nixon. Before that there was Harry Truman – special prosecutor to investigate alleged IRS abuses. Before that it was Calvin Coolidge over Teapot Dome. Obama aside, it appears that the special prosecutor is a permanent fixture in American politics. Maybe we should amend the Constitution and make it a fourth branch of government.


I mean this just isn’t good, whether it’s overblown or a serious issue, and I think it’s probably a serious issue.

You know, it’s not like this stuff is only coming up in fringe left papers.  I mean, even the American Conservative is calling for impeachment.

I guess my question to Trump supporters – what would it take for you to question your faith in the man?  Could he really shoot someone on 7th Avenue?

In this age of fake news, alternative facts, and political spin, critical thinking can be our best cognitive self-defense strategy. “Thinking Clearly” is a radio show, on sister station KMUD, about critical thinking and related topics. Tune to Thursday Night Talk on KHSU May 11 at 7 PM, when host Eric Kirk, will have as guests Thinking Clearly hosts Julia Minton and Bob Froehlich to discuss the importance of critical thinking, their goals in doing the show, guests and topics covered, examples of future topics and what they’ve learned from the experience.

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May 2017