You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2008.

Information is trickling in and Redheaded Blackbelt has a few more details.

And Cristina has more on the fires.

Post questions and comments here. I’ll monitor it. I just don’t want Reuben’s thread polluted.

This seems to be the thread to bring up anything about anything.

Code enforcement.

Nuclear satellites crashing into Saturn.

How many will believe the Corn Refiners Association when they tell you that high fructose corn syrup is good for you?

If you believe the mainstream media analysts, Obama is losing even though he’s winning.

The Anglican Church war has begun. All over homosexuality.

The McCains are in default on their taxes.

Colin Powell to endorse Obama?

Free solar power?

A guide to nude beaches.

What are the lessons of 1968? Don’t ask me. I was four years old. I think I learned not to carry a cat by it’s tail.

“Two Visions of Democracy: Debating Liberalism, Multiculturalism, and the Question of Tariq Ramadan”

Your Brain Lies to You – or How Propaganda Works

Left winger turned neocon and practicing Muslim writer Stephen Schwartz‘ review of the NCJ article of several weeks ago entitled Seeing Red, about communists in Humboldt County:

I thought this was about the most pathetic thing I had ever read. It
was reprinted in Anderson’s paper.

Schwartz often contributes to the AVA. He’s kind of grumpy.

Addendum: Some more stories.

Cuba’s urban farming program paying dividends. Not to sing praises for the Cuban government where it isn’t due, but this farming approach may be a model to export. Meanwhile, Mexico City is experimenting with rooftop gardens to fight warming. And Kenya’s developed a drought-resistant wheat.

A resource link center for the best solar panels and inverters, or so goes the PR.

Where the Obama-is-a-Muslim rumors started – the source discovered.

Beaming solar power down from space.

Mercedes to eliminate petroleum combustion vehicles from its line-up.

The US’ first offshore wind farm.

Today my neighbors and good friends John Rogers and Katherine Lobato were married at a gorgeous location in the Community Park. I was worried that the smoke would put a damper on the whole thing, but it actually gave the background a surreal mystical quality in the photos. Lots of water and an occasional aspirin keeps the smoke-induced headaches away. They both have great families and it was a great who’s-who of the Sohum environmental activist contingent.

My son was the ring bearer and my daughter was the flower girl. Both did their jobs just fine. A great day.


I’d hoped to make it to Beginnings where my law partner and friend Roxanne was married to Ehren, but my son grew tired while my daughter was dancing up a storm so I had to take him home while their mom stuck around to let my daughter dance. There were others shuffling between weddings.

Roxanne and Ehren are celebrating their marriage as well as their newborn son (6 weeks old).

Congratulations to both couples. Nice to have some reasons for celebration after a very rough Sohum week.


Still smoky, but I can see the stars tonight.

From Garth Epling:

On Friday, June 20th 2008, Reuben Mood’s house in Garberville caught fire. Extensive fire damage destroyed the attic and the back half of the house, including the laundry room, Reuben’s room and part of the kitchen. Smoke, heat and water damaged the living room and Reuben’s son’s room.

Reuben grew up in Oakland, CA. He moved to Salmon Creek when he was in Junior High and has lived here ever since. Reuben has worked at Chautauqua, Deb’s Great American Hamburgers, the 707 and now is everyone’s favorite Roast Master, roasting coffee for Signature Coffee in Redway.

Reuben’s son, Raven will be turning 9 in July. He will be in the Fourth grade this coming September. His favorite sport is baseball. This year’s baseball season was extra special for him since his dad was the assistant coach for the minor league White Sox’s team that he played on.

Lost in the fire were their bikes, all the furniture, 6 fish tanks, Reuben’s clothes, Raven’s Bionicle collection, Mickey, Reuben’s mother’s antiques and so much more. What wasn’t burnt up in the fire was made toxic by the smoke.

Hopefully the insurance will rebuild the home, but they still need help from the community. Donations can be made at the Community Credit Union under Reuben Mood’s fire relief or acct #13851. If you have physical goods that you think may be useful, please call Angela (Raven’s mom) at 223-0496. All help will be appreciated!

Thank you.

The photos of the fire and Reuben with his son Raven also came from Garth.

Yesterday an RV caught fire in Meyers Flat. This morning an outbuilding caught fire in Whale Gulch on Chemise Mountain Road. A slew of local volunteer fire departments got them both out. The causes of both are unknown, but this is a really bad time to be careless!

I got the reports from KMUD news who are updating at the top of every hour today. People have been posting harsh criticisms of the coverage of the big events this week. I suspect that some of the criticism has been agenda driven. But I just want to thank Terry, Cynthia, the rest of the KMUD staff, and volunteers like Behr who have really stepped up to the challenge and are working around the clock. They’ve adapted in response to early criticisms and their hearts are really into their work.

As to weather, the bad news is that precipitation is unlikely while lightning strikes could set new fires. The good news is that the wind isn’t expected to pick up until midweek which will be a boon to the firefighting effort.

With some links.

Please tell me there’s some fog in that mix!

According to the Eureka Reporter they finished up yesterday and will be leaving Humboldt today.

They did find brownies, but didn’t confiscate them.

And they did read the blogs when the information was leaked to Heraldo prior to the busts.

And from the article as well as the TS article it does seem that conspiracy will be the central theme of the prosecutions when they happen. That could mean a lot of people being charged, and I wouldn’t be surprised if smaller groups of law enforcement return for follow-up investigations.

Addendum: Thank Jah (audio archive link in the thread) and Heraldo have more information about “Buddhaville,” some information more useful than other.

Second addendum: Thanks to a poster in the thread, here’s a video clip of one of the convoys.

I was looking for something else. Thought this might be of interest. Recognize any friends?

Here’s another one. And there are others which pop up in the “related videos” list.

Not the one you’re thinking about. A great post at Calitics summarizes the history.

Some highlights:

Along with Assemblyman Kenneth Cory, State Senator George Moscone authored what would become known as the Privacy Initiative. In November 1972, the Privacy Initiative was submitted to California voters as Proposition 11. It passed overwhelmingly.

Proposition 11 is remarkable in its simplicity. Aside from changing the sexist reference to “men” to “people,” it added a single word to Article I, Section I of the California Constitution: privacy. Kenneth Cory and George Moscone’s proposed amendment was as follows:

SECTION 1. All men people are by nature free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; and pursuing and obtaining safety, and happiness, and privacy.

In their argument in support of Proposition 11, which appeared in the 1972 Ballot Pamphlet, Assemblyman Cory and Senator Moscone said: The right of privacy is the right to be left alone. It is a fundamental and compelling interest. It protects our homes, our families, our thoughts, our emotions, our expressions, our personalities, our freedom to associate with the people we choose. (emphasis mine).

More where that came from. Mayor Moscone was of course killed along with Supervisor Harvey Milk in one of San Francisco’s saddest days, and replaced by Diane Feinstein. Opportunities lost.


June 2008