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I just delivered my wife’s blue ribbon carrot cake to the Hospice BBQ down at the community park barn. It starts officially in a few minutes, but there was already a crowd down there about 20 minutes ago. A band was warming up and the food was cooking. Plenty of auction item too, including my wife’s cake.

Wish I could have stayed down there.

So stop posting and get down there. Hospice needs money, and you need food, fresh air, and good company!

How is the moderation format working? Is it really cramping your style?

I believe I’ve rejected about twenty posts, which is about par for the course anyway. The only difference is that under the open format those posts might have been up for a few hours or overnight before somebody called me up to complain about them.

The traffic hasn’t slowed. If anything it’s slightly increased. That surprises me, because I really thought the blog was going to slide into obscurity as had happened to other blogs which adopted the moderated format or excluded anonymous posts. Most days, I’m on or near the computer at least twice, and very often all day.

Personally, I think the discussions have taken a turn for the better. Some even tell me they think I’m being too liberal with what I’m allowing.

And like I said, anybody can start one of these things. So far, a couple of new blogs have popped up, but they aren’t taking anonymous posts. Obviously the posting traffic is very limited there. I have no idea about reading traffic.

For those who are curious, I average from 400 to 600 “visits” per day, about a thousand “hits,” and about 1500 “page views.” Apparently if you come and you don’t hit any links or enter any comments sections your stop doesn’t register, so I have no idea how many people are coming.

Oh, and I’m getting complaints that e-mails to me are bouncing. You can also send e-mails to Or is it just One or the other.

I’m in trial prep which means my time for posting is very limited, and it’s hard for me to put together any words which are particularly inspired. But I’ve intended to post something about the Richardson Grove controversy for some time now.

Save Ancient Forests has some stuff. Feel free to comment here or there. I’ll come up with something deep to say about it sometime down the road.

Photo courtesy of an online magazine entitled “Redwood Empire” where you can find some more gorgeous shots of the grove.

Judge Robert Bork is suing Yale for a trip and fall.

Hey, I’m not saying his case lacks merit. The irony is simply to rich to pass up. If he filed suit, he’s probably not happy with the insurance adjuster.

To be fair, his injuries were serious. But prior to this accident, had he read about a similar account in the paper, do you think he would have been sympathetic to the plaintiff?

It reminds me of Rush Limbaugh’s born again conversion to the right to privacy in his last run-in with the law, something he previously argued was “legislated from the bench” by “activist liberal justices” at the behest of the ACLU – who also went to bat for him.

What is it they say about liberals who’ve been mugged?

The guy to the right is very happy. he just bought a cell phone. It’s not an advertisement, unless he’s a shill. Probably isn’t.

I mean, despite my quasi-hippie airs, I’m not against a moderate amount of consumption. Technology is mostly good. Commercialism does help the economy to a certain extent. But I don’t quite know what to make of this…, whatever it is.

“The weird thing,” he said, “was that there were all these people crowded around the store when I came out. It was the feeling of having won a big award. They were all cheering, and I hadn’t really done anything except buy a phone.”


It appeared that the true believers were gathering in Palo Alto, where the Apple Store became a destination site for techno-pilgrimages. Atkinson, who left Apple in 1990, said he just dropped by Thursday night to check out the line and ended up sending his daughter home for a sleeping bag.

“You know, I missed Woodstock,” Atkinson said. “But I wanted to be a part of this.”


“I was in line for 36 hours,” Taylor said. “But it was worth it. I got a T-shirt.”

Huh. When I die, will I regret having missed it? Or has Palo Alto really become that boring? Doesn’t Wozniak have something better to do with his time?

Call me a smarmy liberal elitist, because that’s obviously what I am.

Excerpts and photo of the happy man courtesy of the SF Chronicle.

Buservations – observations about business.

S/he reviewed the Hawaiian BBQ place recently as well.

My blog is only rated PG (for the presence of the words death, dead, and bitch). You can get your website rated here. Apparently the site doesn’t check the archives. I’m sure some of the old Reggae threads would push me up into the R zone like Heraldo.

By the way, my title is figurative. I was in 4H, not the Boy Scouts.

I’ve never seen the Eel River this low in June. It looks like September down there.

I missed the drought years of the late 1980s and early 90s. Was it this low then?

Eel River photo is from

Received my periodic e-mail scripture excerpt today. I figure that this is as good a post as any to put it.

The people of the land have practiced extortion and committed
robbery; they have oppressed the poor and needy, and have
extorted from the alien without redress. And I sought for anyone
among them who would repair the wall and stand in the breach
before me on behalf of the land, so that I would not destroy it;
but I found no one.

– Ezekiel 22:29-30

As promised, the Town Dandy link.

An excerpt:

Foolish me. Somehow I mentally filed away the RFFI as a kumbaya group, a talk shop with big, unattainable dreams of getting beyond the Timber Wars through community land ownership. Harwood I knew to be the real deal — a visionary, in his unassuming way, and a man the late Judi Bari could count as a colleague and a friend. But the RFFI seemed just another addition to the sea of organizational initials, and I didn’t think it odd when no news emerged from that quarter for years. Until the Pacific Lumber bankruptcy. And then until a couple of weeks ago — June 14 — when it rocked the world.

On that day, at a press conference in San Francisco, the Redwood Forest Foundation announced that it had acquired just over 50,000 acres of timber land in northerwestern Mendocino County — the so-called “Usal Redwood Forest,” which borders on the Sinkyone Wilderness. The $65 million deal was fully financed by Bank of America, which a few months earlier announced that it had created a $20 billion fund “to support the growth of environmentally sustainable business activity to address global climate change.” RFFI announced that it would pay back the loan through the sale of conservation easements, and through sustainable logging practices that adhered to the organization’s “three E’s”: environment, economy and social equity. The sale was covered in the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times, and several major financial publications are apparently working on their own stories.

And a link to the Usal Forest plan itself.

But what’s wrong with kumbaya groups? We could use some more kumbaya groups.

The map is from the RFFI site. I think it’ll get bigger if you click on it. Haven’t tried it yet.

Update: Okay, that didn’t work. It got smaller! Well, follow the RFFI link, and you can make it bigger.

Fun for the whole family. Match the column excerpt to the local columnist.


June 2007