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The news is just horrific of late from both agencies.  Both entities should be dissolved and merged with other federal law enforcement, and duties at the border should be rotated.  They’ve been out of control for years, and under the current regime they’re borderline lawless.


15First of all, they don’t even read the article to which they, but they have a headline there which implies that the demonstrators in Washington DC were paid $300 a piece.  Given that the estimate is a million people, Soros wrote 300 million in checks on Saturday!

Of course, if you read the actual ad to which they are referring, the March organizers are trying to fund raise by selling paraphernalia on a commission, and $300 is on the high side of what they can be expected to earn if the “protester” does well.  To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of the practice of hiring people on contingency anyway.  It gives an incentive to be pushy.  But it’s far from what is advertised on the local Republican website.

They also link to a nutcase tweeter calling the kids fascists.

Those kids on Saturday – all over the country – were absolutely phenomenal.  They are invigorating a long overdue discussion and should be praised for that no matter what your politics.   The attacks on the kids are disappointing to say the least, and most of the attacks are really stupid.  I’m not saying that the right is exclusively responsible for the current climate of discourse, but posts like these just lower the dignity of the whole process and reveal a national party to be at least catering to the extreme.  I wish moderates in the Republican Party would assert themselves before resigning their offices.

Good article on the “flood the zone” or “blue wave” phenomenon of Democrats running in local elections in “red zones” all over the country. What the article doesn’t discuss is that it’s making the DNC hacks as nervous as the Republicans – much of this came out of the Bernie campaign. But it’s as my now gone friend Dennis Huber used to say about local politics, “If you don’t have a name on the ballot, you’ve already lost.”

Locally, we’re starting to go for broke.  Fortuna Indivisible is looking for City Council candidates, and they discussing runs with Latino activists who live in the city.  That place could change dramatically over the next few years.



Arcata Playhouse at noon.

It’s part of a national campaign.  From the campaign website:

On March 24, the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets to demand that their lives and safety become a priority, and that we end gun violence in our schools and communities.



I ran into Stephen Madrone in the Courthouse this morning and he related the following to me about the Tribal endorsements.

As Kym Kemp reported in January, Madrone was indeed endorsed by a 3-2 Hoopa Tribal Council vote in December.  Madrone was present for the meeting, while Supervisor Sundberg was not.  Subsequently Mr. Sundberg contacted the Council in anger and held a private meeting with the Council (Tribes are not subject to the Brown Act) and after some discussion they decided to endorse Sundberg as well.  So at this point the Hoopa Tribe has jointly endorsed both candidates.

In the meantime he confirmed the Yurok endorsement.  Madrone showed up to present at several meetings sans a Sundberg appearance and the Yurok Council finally decided to move forward and endorsed Madrone unanimously while praising him for over four decades of salmon preservation work.

Madrone has now raised about $20,000 and has walked and visited over 1000 homes in and around McKinleyville.  He has a growing team of canvassers and the campaign is “heating up.”  Debates have been scheduled for April, but reportedly Sundberg is demanding that he be provided the questions ahead of time.  As usual, Sundberg is collecting a lot of money, so Madrone will need all the grassroots support he can get.  Madrone also received the endorsement of the Democrats and the labor unions.

Sydney Marrone will be covering the race in more detail later on the KMUD news later this week.

He’s gone on tweet rants before, but this is looking like a nervous breakdown.

I had the pleasure of attending the kickoff event for the campaign to elect Lathe Gill to the position of Superior Court Judge, where I watched the second performance of  The Tenth Muse about events in an 18th Century Mexican monastery taking place a couple of decades after the death of nun, playwright, poet, scientist, composer, and intellectual Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and explores her continued influence despite church suppression of her works. It’s one of the best stage performances I’ve seen since moving to Humboldt County. It will play at the North Coast Repertoire Theater until April 7. Please try not to miss it!

I took the photo (without flash) during the prologue as people were filing into the seats. A minute or two later we were asked to put away our phones, but I asked after the performance and was told there would be no objection to my posting the one blurry photo.


I’ll be on air solo tonight, talking about the June election and maybe some thoughts about November. It’s a quiet political season locally – but I think the Supervisor races are going to heat up. There are five statewide ballot initiatives. And of course the statewide and federal office primaries. Join me at 7.


He’s very magnanimous.

After hearing about the Tillerson firing, my first response was, “What did he do to piss Putin off?”

And then I came to work and this headline came up.

Update:  Talk about a s—show!  Lol!

Second update:  Damn!  What the Hell is happening in the White House???



March 2018