You are currently browsing the daily archive for February 21, 2007.

It happened yesterday.

It would have been nice if AP could have spelled her name right.

No kidding! Can the news get more surreal? From the Times Standard:

Hurwitz arrived from Houston, Texas, on a private Learjet chartered by Cockrell Resources Inc. at about 7 p.m. At about 7:30 p.m., a United Airlines employee called a Humboldt County sheriff’s deputy stationed at the airport when four men tried to enter the commercial passenger gate instead of the gate for private air travelers.

One of the men became verbally uncooperative, according to a police report, and the deputy briefly placed him in handcuffs.

Sheriff’s spokeswoman Brenda Godsey said she could not release the names of the men, since they weren’t cited. The report will go to District Attorney Paul Gallegos.

Several sources confirmed that the man who got angry at being redirected to the proper gate and was handcuffed was Hurwitz, the controversial chief executive officer of Maxxam Inc., the parent company of the recently bankrupt Palco.

The suspect was then released. PALCO spokeswoman Andrea Arnot said that she doesn’t know what he’s doing here. It would seem that he’d intended to keep a low profile – heh!

So was he profiled?

Just woke up to the radio blaring. The power went off sometime around seven tonight. Seems like we’ve had more outages this year than in the last several years put together.

Now I’m kind of wired.

Well, let’s see. Captain Buhne is being threatened with a lawsuit, again over cro-mag anonymous posts from the local victims of what is apparently a prozac shortage. Again, under federal law, there is no liability. However, the posts are the product of a tiresome campaign that is months old conducted by pompous jerks with way too much time on their hands. It plagued my blog for awhile, and this mention will probably drag them over here again. It’s okay, I’ve got the delete function down cold. My inner fascist is claiming his voice.

Meanwhile, is anybody losing sleep over the new y2k threat?

For instance, airlines could be thrown off schedule, creating havoc for travelers. People could miss meetings. Cell phone calls could be mistakenly billed during peak hours. All kinds of automatic orders and messages could be miss-timed.

People could miss meetings?????? Automatic orders could be miss-timed?????

Feels like Armageddon! Or Art Bell’s quickening!

A slow news day obviously. Did you know that California never had a senator without a beard until 1921? I didn’t know that. Actually, I can’t think of a senator with a beard. When is that last time a senator had a beard? B-1 Bob Dornan is the last congressman I can think of with a beard.

The photo is of Senator John Downey Works, the last California senator with a beard.

Okay, I need sleep.


February 2007