You are currently browsing the daily archive for August 14, 2009.

Obama reportedly did very well in Montana.  It may be that some of the deathers are a little less inclined to disrupt an event with the president.

Now if he’ll just hold firm to a strong public option, we might actually get something out of all this.  Nothing ideal, but a step in the right direction.

Jana’s grandmother swore she’d live until there was universal health care.  She’s 103 now.  Can’t wait much longer.

The NRA guy reminded me of something.  I got a call from the NRA the other night.  Not sure how I made it onto their list, but the guy gave me his schpiel and told me that Obama was thinking about reviving the Clinton ban on assault weapons.  He then asked me if I supported the NRA’s opposition to bans on more guns and more ammo.  I said it depends on which type of guns and which type of ammo.  The gentleman politely wished me a good evening and hung up.

In France and Germany.

You can stop in on your way over to the bookstore.

Our monthly Arts! Arcata celebration will be held at our NEW digs at  Jacoby’s Storehouse on the Arcata Plaza. Join us on Friday, August 14 from 6 to 9 p.m. and help us warm up our new office.

This month we are featuring exquisite bird drawings by Carl Meyers, a local biologist who began drawing birds while doing biological field work and conducting rare plant surveys.

About their new book.

They will be speaking at Northtown Books in Arcata tonight at 7:00 p.m.

Apparently they have a cabin here and spend time every summer.  It seems that back in the 1970s when they were on the run they spent some time on northern California rural property.  Makes sense.
