You are currently browsing the daily archive for August 2, 2008.

From the Onion.

The Beijing Olympics: Are They A Trap?

Don’t miss the “web only” clip afterward.

Meanwhile, young people remain indifferent to office politics.

Study Finds Young People Remain Apathetic About Office Politics

According to the Times Standard he raised $10,449 from May 18 to June 30, with a total of $77,994 for the year. Estelle came in second with $5,701 and a total of $49,971. Clif raised $3,829, with $31,191 for the year.

My question is what happens to Roger’s money now that he’s out of the election? Can his money go to Johanna?

Addendum: The Eureka Reporter reports on Mark Lovelace’s call for donations to Local Solutions – and all that entails at least in some minds.

Four Catholic Worker activists attempted to make a citizens arrest of Karl Rove. From Think Progress:

[Mona] Shaw was the first called before Polk County Fifth Judicial District Associate Judge William Price.

After entering her plea, the judge asked Shaw, “Mamn, what were you doing at the Wakonda Country Club?”

“I was attempting to make a citizen’s arrest of Karl Rove, your honor,” Shaw answered.

“Well,” the judge looked up and said, “it’s about time.”

I wonder if the prosecution will use its peremptory exclusion, assuming Iowa has one.

Addendum: I found some more background on The Raw Story:

Four peace activists were arrested on Friday as they attempted to make a “citizens arrest” of Karl Rove, Reuters reported.

Protesters let police know of their intentions to arrest Rove while he was in Des Moines for a private fundraiser for the Republican Party of Iowa. Police arrested the protesters after they stepped through the gate at the entrance of the private club where Rove was speaking.

“It should be Karl Rove in that van. War criminal!” one demonstrator shouted as police rounded up the four men.

Chet Guinn, a retired Methodist Minister, was among those led away.

“To be silent when major crimes are being committed against all humanity makes us accomplices,” Gwinn said.

The other three activists were Des Moines Catholic Workers, Edward Bloomer, 61, Kirk Brown, 25, and Mona Shaw, 57. All four were cited for trespassing and released, according to


August 2008