Yes, it’s early. But it’s more than that.

First, if the Israel/Hamas war doesn’t subside and the carnage of Gaza civilians stop, Biden will lose the election. Period. Even the abortion issue won’t preserve the youth vote for him. Biden has been privately exerting pressure on Netanyahu, but that’s not enough when 35,000 have died in a futile effort to defeat a guerrilla hate group that uses children as human shields. Too many young people have a myopic and naive view of the conflict in which they conflate and oversimplify into rote formulas of “colonialism” and the mainstream Democrats are simply incapable of conveying the complexity of the history. Meanwhile, Biden comes across as weak, regardless of whether he is finessing the situation as best as can be done. Trump did no better when the fighting broke out in 2018, but he doesn’t count on the youth vote anyway.

And I don’t buy into the “black and brown voters are moving to Trump” story themes either. I’ve been reading stories about the Exodus of voters of color to the Republican Party for my entire adult life. It’s like Bullwinkle pulling a rabbit out of the hat. “This time for sure.” In 2020 there was some movement, but it wasn’t voters leaving the Democratic Party. It was low-information voters who hadn’t voted before – much like the white Trump supporters of 2016. But Trump has pretty much maxed out on that.

Trump wins if the left vote is suppressed due to lack of morale because they just don’t see Biden as standing for anything they believe in and because they don’t see Trump as an existential threat. Many young people have not really seen or studied authoritarianism – they don’t understand how it takes root and how it comes to power. Right now there are millions of authoritarian voters, and millions more in denial.

But the main reason I haven’t panicked and why most political analysts haven’t is that we’ve watched elections for decades and this isn’t like the the 1980s when Reagan was consistently over 50 percent and there were few undecided voters – patterns were fixed early on. Most of the polls where Trump has large leads have high single to mid double-digit undecided or third-party votes and I think that the Kennedy, Jr. support (from the left) is going to taper off, especially as he has come out as gung-ho pro-Israel using language that even makes me wince. When the polled are pressed to commit to a candidate, the numbers are closer, and Biden is even sometimes ahead.

Five-Thirty-Eight compared the President’s race with the Senate races and found that the Democratic Senate candidates are outperforming Biden in most states – sometimes by significant numbers. Biden is unpopular, but it’s extremely unlikely that there are all that many Democrats who will vote for Sherod Brown and Donald Trump. Independents maybe, but not Democrats. If you scroll down to the comparison chart in the article, the first on the list is Arizona where Gallego leads Lake 47% to 41% while from the same sample Trump leads Biden 43% to 39%. That’s 12% undecided in the Senate race and 18% undecided in the Presidential race. In 2020, most of the undecided votes broke for Biden, and I suspect that will happen again, but I also suspect that the 6 percent difference between the Senate and Presidential race is in effect protest, mostly over the war. They will not be voting for Trump. Will they leave the Presidential box empty, vote for someone else, or not vote at all? Or will they suck it up and just vote for Biden? Time will tell.

These are polling averages by the way. Check out the most recent Senate race polls. The Democrats are kicking ass. Do you really think these voters are going to vote for Trump? And they don’t even factor in the possibility of the Dobbs effect.

There is dissatisfaction with Biden, but it’s coming from the left. Can he fix that?