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Eureka Times Standard


Some ringing endorsements attached to the TS article.

The members probably thought we would all be dead from global warming ny now anyway. I wonder if Chesbro can fix the NEC like he has fixed the State of California.


why is it that the TS can have 2 consecutive stories about the NEC haveing troubles, but can’t have anything on the lost jobs of people who actually contribute to the economy. These hippies just drain the economy by taking grants and not doing much for us as a community. Ehy is that TS. once again you show why the EUreka Reporter was a better option that your crappy paper.


The nec wonders why they’re in a financial hole? You can’t run a legitemate environmental organization by just pandering to the “boutique enviromentalists” . The nec turned it’s back on all of their long time supporters that are the back to the landers. They demonized us as polluters. Just look at their last news letter and it’s in black and white.

I didn’t leave the nec, the nec left me and my family.

I, my family and many many friends who are rural homesteaders feel betrayed by the nec and epic.   This is the real reason they are in a financial hole………homesteading environmentalists have withdrawn their support.


One of these days environmentalists will figure out that their movement has to be more than a growing list of prohibitions and fashionable don’ts. They can’t always simply negate. They must assert. The NEC more than any other organization except maybe EPIC, which makes a tidy living out of obsessively suing people, has no message except thou shalt not. The organization’s demise is darwinian. Good riddance. Maybe something meaningful and inclusive will grow in its place.

Feel the love!