I’m rarely all that into Cenk Ungar’s analysis, but I think he’s spot on reading the headlines and between the lines of the public statements. Unless Biden has the same kind of hold on the Democratic Party that Trump has on the GOP, he’s going to be pressured to drop out.

And the Republicans – they may be sorry they pushed for this – although watching Biden last night, he’s not going to recover. People are comparing it to Obama’s first dismal debate performance, but that was due to some very bad debate prep and advice coming from people who wouldn’t let Obama be Obama. He killed it in the second debate. Biden is only going to get worse.

Same thing with comparisons to Fetterman. First, Fetterman went into the debate ahead in the polls. Secondly, he had a stroke – a condition that youngish people can recover from. What we witnesses last night – those of us who have had relatives and elderly friends in decline – it’s not going to reverse itself. It’s only going to get worse. He managed to ace SOTU, but that was his last hurrah. He is only going to go downhill from here, and if he stays in the race it will only speed it up. And if he somehow manages to pull out a win, I think the second term will kill him early.

He has performed pretty well as President because he put together an excellent team. Most of that team will probably still be around with a replacement candidate.

He did well on substance, but nobody pays attention to substance. He has cognition, but voters want a President who is forceful, or at minimum they want to be able to hear you’re voice when you’re talking into a microphone. It’s a huge contrast to his “Will you shut up clown” performance, and if anything the format benefitted Trump by preventing him from being a jackass. I’m even wondering if Biden would have benefitted from an audience.

But Cenk is right. The wheels are spinning and there will be enormous pressure on him to suspend his campaign. What happens next? That’s going to be exciting to watch.