You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 27, 2024.

I’m wondering if that’s why the Biden team pushed for such an early debate – to see if he could pull it off.

He clearly couldn’t. I missed the beginning, which was apparently the worst, and supposedly saw the part where he “improved” and I still wasn’t impressed. Most frustrating was his missing multiple opportunities to slam down Trump in moments where he just lied on the spot.

But the panic is intense and the pressure is on. “Prominent” figures are saying Biden should drop out.

“Not good,” Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) wrote.

There has been a lot of speculation of pressure on Michelle Obama to take up the nomination. She is said to lack interest, but as Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Nobody who wants to be President should be President.”

Actually, I’m paraphrasing. Imperial Earth is a great novel though.

“For the last century, almost all top political appointments [on the planet Earth] had been made by random computer selection from the pool of individuals who had the necessary qualifications. It had taken the human race several thousand years to realize that there were some jobs that should never be given to the people who volunteered for them, especially if they showed too much enthusiasm. As one shrewed political commentator had remarked: “We want a President who has to be carried screaming and kicking into the White House — but will then do the best job he possibly can, so that he’ll get time off for good behavior.”

― Arthur C. Clarke, Imperial Earth

As usual, Jon Stewart has the best analysis.

That was Justice Jackson quoting Justice Blackmun in a fiery concurrence of a very cowardly SCOTUS decision essentially punting and delaying the question of whether Idaho’s draconian anti-abortion law violates federal law.

“Storm clouds loom ahead,” Jackson echoed.

Three justices, Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas, assert “that States have free rein to nullify federal law.” Three more, she wrote, refuse to disavow that position, only “murmuring” that petitioners have raised a weighty argument. 

“So, as of today, the Court has not adopted Idaho’s farfetched theories — but it has not rejected them either,” she wrote. 

“So, to be clear: Today’s decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho,” she added. “It is delay.”   

There must be something in the water over there.

Unfortunately, there’s plenty of crazy left.


June 2024