Anybody who has any doubts as to whether Nazis – real neo-Nazis – identify more with MAGA or anything leftish – as I was scanning all of the screaming Twitter/X MAGA threads about the Trump verdict, I started spinning off into some anti-Fauci threads, pro-Alex Jones thread, and finally this. Now some of the comments in the thread simply blame the Nazi takeover on gays and liberal decadence of the Weimar Republic. Many others talk about how our schools should be teaching us that the German Nazis were the good guys. All of them are backing the Moms for Liberty agenda. And if you start randomly hitting the links to the commenters’ accounts, you’ll find plenty of pro-Trump posts. I found one pro-Palestinian single issue account. And there are some who don’t seem to be interested in mainstream politics. You will find no pro-Biden posts or anything remotely pro-left other than the single-issue pro-Palestinian post which is ambiguous.